EEW Nano bobbin
You can also order this bobbin printed as well as the battery holder here (lots of fun colors to choose from that will go well with at least the purple base): Guidelines for printing: The STL-files can only be opened in an apropriate Slicer software such as Cura, S3D, FlashPrint or similar. While in the Slicer you can apply the printer settings such as nozzle temperature, heatbed temperature, printing speed, adding supports and more. When using filaments (PLA) you have to consider that you may need to make several test prints, using different heat settings as each filament roll has its own best print temperature. You also may need to adjust the printing speed and resolution. The first layer resolution need to be set slightly higher than the actual printing resolution. Having the speed marked down during the first layer is also important to get the best foundation for the rest of the print. These are the settings I used when printing: Enable Brim foundation. Enable supports from the building plate. Shells: 3 Bottom layers: 4-5 Top layers: 4 First layer height (resolution): 0.23-0.25 Printing height (resolution): 0.13-0.15 or 0.18 Printing speed: 20-35 mm/s Heat bed temperature: 35-40 degrees C (this is optional but very helpful to get the first layer to stick to the building plate) You need to print 2 discs with support from the building plate. Start with printing just one part at a time, to make sure you get a good printing result. Once you have figured out the right printing settings, you can go ahead and print all parts at once. Printing time for one disc is about 2.5 hrs (depending on chosen resolution and printing speed) The core piece needs to be rotated to an upright position in the Slicer software used, before printing. I used support from the building plate with a raft base. You'll need to print one core piece. Printing time: About 2 hrs 15 mins (depending on chosen resolution and printing speed)