Wine Drip Catcher

Wine Drip Catcher


This is a wine drip catcher for red wine bottles.It is very simple to use and easy to print. Just print the two parts and be sure you have superglue and a piece of fabric or cloth in a dark red color to make the project whole. Try to print it very slow and with a good and nice finish. Then cut out TWO times the farbric or cloth to the diameter of the inner ring which is in my case (Ø 57mm and 3.5mm thick) Print the template and then lay it over the fabric or cloth, then use a marker to draw the lines to cut. Try to cut the first line with a utility knife (stanley cutter) and then use a very sharp scissor to cut the rest of it. When you are done, just grab the superglue and glue the two pieces of fabric or cloth together with a moving of 15° to ensure that the tips get in the gap between the upper fabric or cloth. You can easy scale the rings to the diameter and thickness you want to ensure your bottle and fabric or cloth fits perfectly. I would really appreciate when you would follow my Thingiverse Account.



