Mini Talon FPV – 360 PanTilt canopy for RunCam Split 1-2
<h2>Mini Talon FPV 360º PanTilt canopy for RunCam Split 1-2</h2> <img src="" alt="Mini Talon" /> <p>Second generation of my <a href="" target="_blank">previous canopy</a> for X-UAV Mini Talon. This version without VTX holder but designed specially for RunCam Split (1 and 2) and full 360º rotation.</p> <p>Tilt axis still in progress. Unfortunately I don't have a time to finish it soon.</p> <h4>You need:</h4> * Servo 9g 180º (I use <a href="" target="_blank">Turnigy TGY-R5180MG</a>) * RunCam Split (1 or 2 or 2s with cable extend) * Φ3*Φ8*4mm Bearing for smooth rotation (I use <a href="Φ3Φ84mm-nmb-p-8357.html" target="_blank">this bearing</a> from old 2206 motor) or you can print "fake bearing" from files * M3x23mm * M1 size doesn't matter (3-7mm) <h4>In action</h4> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> <h4>Servo mounting:</h4> <img src="" alt="Correct servo mounting" /> <h4>X-RAY:</h4> <img src="" alt="Mini Talon" /> <img src="" alt="Gear" /> <img src="" alt="Gear2" /> <br> <h4>Updates:</h4> 22.12.2018 - First version released. 26.04.2019 - Correct servo mounting image