GPS Pedestal for a Mini Quad

GPS Pedestal for a Mini Quad


This was designed specifically for the Diatone GT200 Quad and UBLOX Mini GPS but it could be modified for other quads. The base is 30x30mm and the total height 82mm. The shaft is 7mm diameter. I purposely made the holder oversized to make it fit other units. I just add 2 extra layers of clear shrink wrap on the GPS which made a very snug fit. After trial and error i found that this pedestal height allows the GPS to function fantastic with no interference from the electronics. I can lock on 6-8 satellites with the quad in my downstairs shop. My friend printed it and said he used a type of carbon fiber?? It is strong and has flexibility (i have held the shaft and bent it to a 90 degree with no damage.







3D Printing