Extended Gardinia roller blind bracket

Extended Gardinia roller blind bracket


I had had to install a Gardinia roller blind but the original side brackets/holders were to short, so I designed this simple but solid bracket that extends the spare one created by EmilyMia (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1883207). If you need gears too, you can check/print this replacement (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3151965). I printed my brackets with PetG, 0.3 layer height, 20% infill and 6 wall line and supports, they came out very strong. Maybe PLA is good too but infill should be bigger. I screwed them to the wall with 6 mm fishers (https://www.amazon.it/Fischer-Tasselli-Mattone-Forato-570021/dp/B00FBEHK4Y). IMPORTANT: printing it vertical may not require support but the part will come out less strong as the print lines will be parallel to the force the bracket is sopposed to overcome (that's gravity baby)



