Christmas Tree Decorating Tool

Christmas Tree Decorating Tool


The Christmas Tree Decorating Tool is simple... in fact very simple but highly useful when decorating a Christmas Tree... especially fibre optic Christmas Trees as the tool helps stop the trees needles and fibre optic strands from being folded back. Folded back tree needles look messy and folded back fibre optic strands means the light coming from the strands is not at the end of the branches... they need to be kept relatively straight to be properly visible and look good. The tool simply works as a sleeve you slip onto he Christmas Tree branches. Just bunch up the needles (and fibre optic strands) near the tip, slip on the tool over the bunched needles and strands then pass the Christmas Tree decoration string over the tool.... it slips on easily (approx. 50mm onto the branch). Then remove the tool leaving the decoration in place without any bunched or folded back needles / fibre optic strands. You could easily say why bother... but this simple little tool is a real time saver and make your Christmas Tree look better easier! This is a very simple print... quick and easy. Use it once a year then store it away for next year. When you print one please send photos and comments on how it worked for you in the interests of other members. It helped me decorate my fibre optic tree quickly and overcame the usual issue with fibre optic strands being held back so they didn't emit light at the ends of the branches as they should. Note: If you like this check out the rest of my practical and fun designs.






