Wyzecam Pan Cover
I wanted to install a wyzecam pan outdoors, well away from the safety of any overhangs so that I could keep tabs on the local coyote population. After looking over some of the enclosures avaliable online, I decided that designing and printing my own cover would likely be just as effective as what was avaliable. There are three versions here. Rev 1 and 3 are meant to be printed in flexible material. This is thanks to the bulging "eyeball" on the wyzecam pan, you really need flexible material in order to slip this cover on past the eyeball. Version 1 is a pictured in white tpu, but I noticed the hood reflected too much of the nightvision IR light whenever the camera was pointed too far up. So version 2 was made to counter this, with a taller hood that does not interfere with the IR light at all. The trade off for getting out of the IRs active field is that the hood in version 2 is also shorter, and therefore does not shield the elements quite as well as version one. I've also included a two piece cover that is meant for solid material and does not need to flex in order to side onto the pan. This is untested and likely a loose fit, but I may come back to it eventually. My pan has survived outdoors for several months (it is winter and snowing now), and seems to be holding out just fine. This is clearly not a guarantee that yours will perform the same. Remember that this thing was designed for indoor use, and puting it up outdoors- even in an enclosure- is not likely recomended by the manufacturers... But honestly, its such a cheap camera, why not try?