Temp Probe House
This OpenSCAD model creates a AcuRite 06054M Temperature and Humidity Solar Radiation Shield This work has been dereived from HAMOP's Radiation / Weather shield for Netatmo outdoor sensor on Thingiverse.com: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:804356/files This version is coded in OpenSCAD and is easy to modify for any type of temperature probe. I have chosen to use M3-0.5 Threaded Heat Set Inserts for 3D Printing rather then glueing the parts together. For the AcuRite 06054M Temperature and Humidity probe you will need to print 1 top section, 5 middle sections and 1 bottom section. Change the value of the Model variable to print the different parts of the design The values can be "top", "middle" and "bottom" ------------ / Top Section / ---------------- / == -+ / == | ---------------- == | / == | / == | ---------------- == | Middle Sections / == | (5 of these) / == | ---------------- == | / == | / == | ---------------- == | / == | / == | ---------------- == -+ ================= Bottom Section =================