3D Printed 2D Plotter
UPDATE Section: 23-03-2019 The schematics of the arduino with the CNC shield are available at: https://cdn.instructables.com/FJ9/4VQ9/IYLZPS6Y/FJ94VQ9IYLZPS6Y.LARGE.jpg (disclaimer: picture is not made by myself) 30-12-2018 I designed a new pen lift mechanism which works very well. The angle at which the pen is pushing against the slider is dependent on the height difference you need. Also I added a BOM (based on AliExpress prices on 29-12-2018 in the Netherlands), the total price is around 100 euro's. The ZIP file that is added contains all the STL files and SolidWorks files so you can adjust it to your own needs. At this moment I am statisfied with the machine as it is and will not be updating anything soon I think. If there are any problems or suggestions please let me know ;) 29-12-2018 Right now I have made a pen/laser module lift mechanism which doesn't work that well. I have printed and assembled all the axis and the X and Y axis work very well (I have very bad rods and bearings which make a bad sound but the movement is good). Also I lowered the height of the axis which lowers the 'Z-height' by about 30 mm. I have tested the setup and it works very well considering the lift mechanism for the pen is really bad. Now it's time to update the pen lift mechanism and test a little more. After that I will publish the STL and Solidworks files ;) 27-12-2018 At this moment I have 1 axis printed and assembled which works very well! Considering the fact that all the axis are exactly the same but one axis is stacked upon the other I will leave the other two axis for later and try to make a pen holder for the axis I have and test how that will work out. -------------------------------------------------- Description: This is a 2D plotter/printer/engraver/whatever you want ;) I made it to use for several projects. The main goal for me is to place a piece of wood under the pen holder and let the machine draw things on it. Keep in mind that you can design whatever attachments you want. There are 8 holes on the plate where stuff can be attached, each 10mm apart from each other (center to center). You can try to use this design to make a CNC mill/router but I doubt if it will work considering the fact that the 8mm are positioned besides each other and are not very stiff by themselfs. Let me know if you made something like that, I would be happy to see it ;) Project requirments: - Expendable workarea (thus expanding without redesigning parts) - Ability to use multiple attachments (for laser, pen, vinyl cutter (?), 3D printer head) - One linear axis design that can be stacked -> Minimum number of different parts - No extrusion profiles - Use the parts I already have - Sufficient height: ~10 cm Parts required for one linear axis : - 2 Shafts of 8mm - 1 Nema 17 motor - 1 GT2 pulley for the NEMA 17 - 1 GT2 bearing or another bearing to guide the belt - 3 or 4 LM8UU bearings - 2 GT2 pulley connector - Xm GT2 belt - Multiple 3mm bolts and nuts, another size is also fine, but you will have to drill bigger holes into it