orion piezo sensor anet a8 / p802 mount
This is a precision piezo orion z sensor mount for the tronxy / zonestar p802 printer but should also work for the anet a8 derivatives. Taken from the official website: > The PrecisionPiezo Orion module fits between your extruder/carriage and your hot end > and provides a triggered signal when your nozzle touches the print bed. In testing the Orion module has achieved repeatability of 0.005mm (5um) with a standard deviation of 0.003. The Orion module can be used with any printing surface including Printbite, PEI, Buildtak, Glass, Aluminium, FR4, Lokbuild, if you find a surface that doesn't work let please us know. > > > Other advantages of the PrecisionPiezo Orion module: > > Is permanently fixed, no servos, no deploying required > > No X or Y offsets, your nozzle is the tool, so use the nozzle to probe > Uses a standard endstop connector > Can be used for Z_min endstop, auto bed levelling and delta calibration > Easy to configure in your firmware > Replaces inductive probes, IR probes, Capacitative probes, FSR's, servo probes > Illuminates on probing. > Module is very stiff, nozzle remains firm. The biggest issue I had when trying to use the orion sensor was the layer fan, which forced me to seek a different hotend mount. Most modifications were performed on the CarriageV3__AnetA8_E3Dv6_Mount_TNS file, the modifications are as follows: * hotend_height changed to 85 mm. * thickness_backplate changed to 8mm. * hotend mounting point x_offset_hotend to 8mm. * Radius of hotend mounting point to 5.5mm. * Fan holder offset in z-direction to 1.5mm. * Fan holder offset in x-direction to -0.5mm. * Fan holder offset in y-direction to -9mm. * E3D mounting point to 18.5 instead of 13.75, this is important since the orion module needs some extra clearance from the mounting point. * Another 2 mm in the z_offset_fan_holder variable for FanHolder2 module. * In the FanHolder2 module, bigger screw holes and "thicker": thickness + 6 (this punches a hole in the 3d model) with a radius of 2.25 instead of 1.25. * Bigger ziptie slots by changing the ZiptieHeight to 2.5mm from 1.5. * Moved the belt right most mounting points by 0.2mm. This is still in progress since I'm learning as I go, this isn't necessarily the best combination out there, but this is what works for me. Pictures will come later (: