Raspberry Pi CCTV Box

Raspberry Pi CCTV Box


Edit: - Added **Ethernet_Lid.stl** to allow connecting to the Ethernet port without exposing USB - Updated **Case.stl** and **Lid.stl** to give 4mm extra spacing where the SD card sits - Added **Camera_Retainer_Larger.stl** and **CameraArm_Larger.stl** for up to 28mm diameter cameras - Added **Case_Taller.stl**, **LidUSB_Taller.stl** and **Lid_Ethernet_Taller.stl** to provide 5mm extra space for PoE or other RPi hats - Added **Lid_30mm_Fan.stl** for those who need to cool it --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Make sure to check out the print settings and post-printing section* <br/> __Designed for use with MotionEye OS__ A very handy box for your Raspberry Pi CCTV system, originally developed for use with MotionEye OS MotionEye OS on GitHub: <https://github.com/ccrisan/motioneyeos> <br/> __Multi-Camera Support__ There are two camera arm versions, one to be used with any standard *Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2* (including NoIR) and most 3rd party *Raspberry Pi Night Vision Camera Module* (OV5647 sensor). <br/> __Ethernet/USB access__ If Ethernet is required (e.g. initial setup of MotionEye OS), you can remove the front lid to access the Ethernet port. Update: There is now a lid version with Ethernet port access. No further access to any other interfaces is possible, except the power supply. <br> <b>Note: Not compatible with the Raspberry Pi 4 series</b> My things: https://www.thingiverse.com/r__/designs






