Filament filter/lubricator bowden dry box connector

Filament filter/lubricator bowden dry box connector


This is my take on the bowden ptfe filter/lubricator for dry box. My previous version fits the original anet a8 filament reel holder and dry box using bought ptfe connectors. This one, the entire connector is printed and has worked out really well. I use a small piece of sponge, cut with a slot for the filament to pass through and add a drop or two of conola oil. The filter/lubricator has solved a lot of my issues with under extrusion and filament drag. The inside ptfe tube holder with a small length of ptfe tube has stopped most of my tangle issues as well. For the entire print you will need to print: 1 - Filament Guide and filter v3(Front filter).stl 1 - Filament Guide and filter v3(Inside ptfe con).stl 1 - Filament Guide and filter v3 (PTFE con filter housing).stl 2 - daGHIZmo's WEDGE1.75.STL 2 - daGHIZmo's PRESS_CAP_1.75.STL Please see daGHIZmo's for the inside wedge and the press cap 1.75. I had to print the press cap at 3% bigger to get it to fit just right, but this could be a symptom of my printers not being perfectly calibrated. I used the filter threaded part and cap from Kezats I have tried to include the original makers as a remix but thingiverse just locks up and gives me a 404 when I try to save it.



