G27 H-Shift with Split and Range / DIY
Please note that this is a remix of G27 Splitter Shifter for Truck Simulator (Euro / American) by Vendeta44 and he shall have credit for the main model. My model is Creative Common NON-COMMERCIAL! Putting that aside. I guess that you also want to know how to wire this up yourself? You need + USB Encoder You can find the one i used on ebay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Zero-Delay-Arcade-USB-Encoder-PC-to-Joystick-Button-DIY-Kit-For-MAME-Fight-Stick/122449660871?hash=item1c82918bc7:g:YmUAAOSw53NY86Tg + A spare USB cable (you can use a old mouse, usb charger or anything that you don't need that is usb cable. + Rocker switch https://www.ebay.com/itm/2X-Red-Mini-6A-250V10A-125V-2-Pins-Snap-In-Open-ON-OFF-Rocker-Switch-Power-Suply/171264763026?hash=item27e02ce492:g:dEkAAOxy69JTCBrl + Heatshrink tube (Cheap stuff :D) + Solder Iron and Solder And for wiring solution will i refer a youtube video for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FNN00FSuHg Enjoy a little better solution to Euro Truck Simulator gear shifting. Cheers!