Creality CR-10 Adjustable Filament Spool Holder
Hendrik72's spool holder seemed one of the best for me. However not everybody have fidget spinners laying around with those extra 608 bearings. Besides I have always wanted to print bearings and see how they perform. Also I wanted to make width of holders adjustable with threaded locking. Credits for bearings goes to emmet's [gear bearing]( Feel free to make for example thinner bearing with customizer if your printing tolerances are too big and you can't make bearing to fit. You need front holder, back holder, adjustment screw + knob and 4x bearing locks + 4 x bearings. You may print holders laying on side or standing. I made both and results were OK. Laying on side gives nice finish on front plate but I recommend manual support placement since cleaning the gap for bearings is a pain. There is also a 6mm allen bit for drill. It's for easy spinning of bearings to get them really loose and smooth. Easier with drill :)