Creative Webcam VF0350 16mm tube/rod mount

Creative Webcam VF0350 16mm tube/rod mount


I had a old VF0350 webcam and an Raspberry PI, so I designed a mount for a 16mm tube/rod. Instructions: * Print the parts with 100% infill. (Print the part for the webcam standing up, using brim, no supports) * Remove the two Philips head screws from the webcam and then pop out the exiting holder. * insert the new holder into the webcam and use a M3 screw in the base of the holder that inserts into the webcam. it simply adds compression and may not be needed. make sure it is short enough so it does not contact the PCB. Replace the lid. * Mount it with another M3 screw to the rod holder and clamp it where you like it. Here are my octopi.txt settings: camera="usb" camera_usb_options="-d /dev/video0 -r 640x480 -f 10 "



