Power Strip Bracket

Power Strip Bracket


( I have another version of this model here on thingiverse ,that mounts in an angled position on the surface of a table on the edge : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3636668 ) If you found this design very helpful or otherwise wish to support me ,you can buy me a cup of coffee ( helps keeping the brain active so i can create new stuff ) ;-) ,then please consider using this link : <a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Mb1vZjXUG" target="_blank"><img src="https://bmc-cdn.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/BMC-button-images/custom_images/black_img.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: auto !important;width: auto !important;" ></a> This is a set of brackets to mount your power-strip 54mm x 38.5mm (EU model) up under your workbench ,table or where ever you need a power-strip to be placed for easy access . They fit perfectly the power-strips i have ,but i can't guarantee that it will fit yours ,place be aware of the size of 54mm x 38.5mm . There is a bracket-set to both the right and left side ,as to how one wants the cord to be placed. They are designed pretty strong ,because i do very often have to change power plugs since the power-strip sits on my workbench . It is very important that you mount the cord-side bracket first ,there is a hole for a screw that sits right where the power-strip end is sticking in ,and you can't screw that screw in after you have mounted the power-strip . The non-cord side only have screw holes accessible on the outside of the bracket . It is very important that you use all screw holes to assure proper stability.






