Mechanical Hand

Mechanical Hand


No support material needed. What You Will Need = -x20 M4-8 Screws -x15 M3-16 Screws -x15 M3 Nuts -x5 Rubberbands -x5 Drinking Straws -x1 1" PVC pipe -Fishing Wire/ Beading string -Foam Paper What to print = -x1 of everything except: -x3 of Middle-Index-Ring 1,2&3 -x20 Washer -x5 Finger_Hold -To print the "Finger_Hold" measure the diameter of the tip of you finger rounding up to the nearest mm. Scale the ring to whatever the diameter of the finger is. ex: if your finger is 11.4 mm round up to twelve and scale it x12. Preparing parts = -sand down the top edges of the finger sections to avoid breaking the rubber band. - To print the "Finger_Hold" at the correct size measure the diameter of the tip of you finger rounding up to the nearest mm. Scale the ring to whatever the diameter of the finger is. ex: if your finger is 11.4 mm round up to twelve and scale it x12. -This works because the inner hole is 1 mm Assembly = -Connect the finger sections using M3-16 screws and M3 nuts. -Connect the hands to the fingers using the same method. -Put washers on each M4-8. -Screw in the M4-8 with washers on them halfway into each hole on the top of the hand. -Wrap the rubber band around each M4-8 screw. -Tighten the screws onto the rubber bands -Calibrate the rubber bands by changing the amount of rubber band between each finger. -cut 5 lengths of fishing line/ beading string (the distance depends on what your mounting the hand to but generally longer than 35 cm) -Tie knots on the end of each of all the strings (see second to last image) -[Thread the string through the fingertips and tie a second knot (see last image) -Thread the string through each finger section and through the palm of the hand)] -Repeat for each finger. -Cut a hole out of the side of the PVC pipe. -Mount the hand on the top of the PVC pipe and run the strings down the pipe and out the hole. -Thread the string guide through each string and glue it onto the inner pipe (to keep the string form tangling). -Slide "String_Organizer" up the pipe onto the wedge that was cut out. -Pull the strings through the center hole of "string_Organizer". -Tie the knot (see last picture) on the end of each string. -Insert the knot into "Finger_Hold" and tighten the knot at the notch. -Take the plastic straws and coil them using scissors or an Exact-O blade. -Cut the straws to the length of the exposed string and coil it around the string. -Trace the bottom of the fingers and palm of hand onto the foam paper then cut them out and glue them to their respective finger (see pictures for clarity). -Enjoy!! citation (for pictures) = “HOW TO SHORTEN THE STRING.” YOYO INFO BASE by REWIND YOYO USA,






