Design-It-Yourself Dice Tower
Design Your Own Dice Tower ======================= Mix and match the components here to create your own dice tower. Whether you want the dice to come out quickly or to bounce around a lot and come out spinning is up to you. ###Pieces Start with a base and a tray, then select 3 of the other pieces to create your own tower design. - Base - 70mm tall, just launches the dice out the front door - Tray - Attach to the base to catch the dice. - Side Brackets - Holds the four selected tower pieces together - Bounce Front - 50mm tall, a simple design that bounces the dice toward the front of the tower - Bounce Back - 50mm tall, just like the last one, but in the opposite direction. - Center Drop - 50mm tall, bounces the dice around and drops them down the center. - Corner Drop - 50mm tall, bounces the dice around and drops them down one of the four corners. - Agitator - 50mm tall, slows the vertical speed and gives the dice somewhat of a spin. ### Sample Arrangements ## Simple Start with the base and then add a bounce back, followed by a bounce front, followed by another bounce back. This arrangement shoots the dice out pretty quickly. ## Chaos Start with the base and then add the agitator, followed by the corner drop, with the center drop on top. You can hear lots of bouncing around with this arrangement and the dice usually come out spinning. ### Update 2/24/2019 I added a Stone Wall version of all the pieces. ### Update 3/17/2019 I added a Stone Wall base that exits from the sides instead of the front, along with a matching tray. ### Future Enhancements - Brick - Now that the stone wall is done, maybe a brick version would be good. - Another base - I'd like a base that has 2 side exits, to save space when used with the Design-It-Yourself DM screen (that I'm still developing)