Sweet Tooth Machete
Made the Sweet Tooth mask from Twisted Metal at a prop shop i worked at. wanted to make his machete too. made this a few years ago, figured id upload it now as this was the first one i made, it will require some filing and sanding to fit properly. but people love it when i wear the complete outfit at comic con and such. was asked if it could have an edge instead of the flat, blunt look. Yes it can! i have made a little edge to the top most piece and will include it here as an option. my printer is fairly big so was easy for me to print. can also order one at the link as featured by my friend: https://www.instagram.com/stiltsbjj https://www.etsy.com/listing/632325610/sweet-tooths-machete?ref=shop_home_active_6 Sweet Tooth Mask inquiries can be directed through https://www.hallowskeepcreations.com/contact-us.html