Anycubic I3 Mega Double Igus Holder For Bed (Offset)

Anycubic I3 Mega Double Igus Holder For Bed (Offset)


This remix is to be in addition to the original post by petrzmax. When I upgraded to the IGUS bushings, I noticed that they weren't as tight a fit as my original linear bearings, though much quieter. On the hotend carriage, I used the original double-holder on top and the single on the bottom. When I used the singles for the bed, there was alot of vibration and rotation of the bed during printing (due to the lack of tight fitment to the slides). This part allows you to add an extra bushing to the left and right sides of the bed without restricting Y-travel distance as you would have if you used the originally posted double holder. Stiffness and rigidity of the bed are greatly improved. See the pictures for details on orientation.



