Carrera ASW 17 RC Glider 320cm Version Bottomplate
This is the STL file for a bottom plate of the Carrera ASW17 320cm version vintage glider. So if you do not want to ruin your original mounting plate, just print this one and use 3 mm nuts and bolts to mount it in your vintage Carrera glider. The holes in the bottomplate have 2 mm diameter, just drill them upto 3 mm if you like. The bottomplate is 2 mm thick. and has no pillars like the original. Its not needed. There will be a version with pillars so you can screw the bottomplate, but I prefer long 3mm bolts and locknuts to secure it onto the fuselage. I only use 2 holes of the bottomplate, the middle and back. See also bottomplate for Carrera Trimmy/ASW17 (220cm) where I uploaded a servoholder for 2 standardservos, 40mm x 20mm, like Futaba 3001. I have a fleet of Carrera (9), Multiplex (3), Robbe (1), Aviomodelli (1) and Graupner vintage gliders (2) and I design more 3D parts for them for replacement or to spare the original parts. Please like and report when you use this bottom plate