Terraforming Mars Game Insert (Yup another one!)

Terraforming Mars Game Insert (Yup another one!)


Needed an insert for Terraforming Mars and none of the ones on Thingiverse fit my desires...so to Fusion 360 I went. It isn't perfect but I like it. Terraforming Mars - All cards sleeved with Paladin Sleeves (90 micron) Base Game Colonies Prelude Hellas and Elysium Venus Next - Not shown but will fit. <b>Hex Tray - 5 slots - Print 1 Version w/ matching Lid</b> <i>Inline</i> - Slots tall enough to match the top of the box, 3 slots could hold everything. Might work for holding some printed tiles. Need to use the longer V2 Card Chute. Uploaded design has finger cutouts to make taking the lid off easier. <i>Staggered </i>- 3 hold all Greenery/City tiles evenly, 1 for Water, 1 for Special Has a lid and both top and bottom have holes for small magnets. But the 1/16 magnets I used aren't strong enough to hold it on so it may just be a cover the tray to keep the tiles from falling out if stored on the side. Need to use the shorter V1 Card Chute. <b>Project Card Chute - Print 1 Version</b> V2 is 15mm longer and will definitely fit all current expansions. V1 is shorter and "Should" fit all cards, including Venus Next, if I measured properly. Both can use the optional extender if you don't have all the expansions The extender can also be stacked if you only have the base game. <b>Card Box - Print 1</b> 1 slot for Starting Corporations & Reference Cards 1 slot for Prelude Cards 1 slot for Corporations, with room for Venus Next Uploaded design has dual finger cutouts to make taking cards out easier. If it ain't broke don't fix it! Used other great designs! Utilized STLs are included the files here. <b>Player Boards - Print 5</b> From: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2014518 <b>Boxes - Print 3 Large Resource, 1 Small Resource, 5 Player</b> I used one large box for the Markers and Colonies pieces. Make sure the lids slide inward to prevent them from sliding open. From: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2328518 ...which were remixed from - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:15113 <b>Markers - Print 1 each</b> From: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2854732 <b> Spacer - Print 1</b> This keeps all the boxes from sliding around and opening up inside! I only made one for the inline hex and V2 chute. If someone wants I can try to make one for the alternate setup.



