Entrance door RFID reader and motion detector

Entrance door RFID reader and motion detector


This is a box and lid containing 1 Wemos D1 mini (ESP8266) Wifi microcontroller 1 RFID-RC522 rfid reader/writer (mounted in lid) 1 motion detector "radar" using a RCML-0516 circuit 1 microswitch (triggers alarm through microcontroller if LID is removed. (20 mm length) 2 LEDs for user feedback (mounted in lid used for eg. ACCESS granted or denied). Info regarding the device - Programming it using micropython as the ESP8266 is a pretty fast MCU and I prefer the simplicity where you don't need to compile code before it's sent to the microcontroller. Nothing is ever stored on the device, it's only there to comunicate with an endpoint the UID of the RFID card/keyring and a subset of it's memory. When access is granted a new one time password will be written to the keykard/keyring that enable the user to enter or exit. So even if someone would steal the box and read out the source code they would not be able to do access the door. I currently don't have a 3d printer så ordered it through an online printing service until family is convinced that I need to treat myself a printer. ##Update 2019-01-06 - After feedback from the online 3d printing company I discovered that the STL file generated had too many faults in it. So Have re-designed and put it both through CURA and Slic3r to see that it would be printable (as far as I understand it is now). Version have removed older files and replaced with the latest.





