TMC2130 Silent Step Stick RAMPS Adapter PCB
To be able to connect the SPI lines for TMC2130 stepper drivers on a RAMPS board I designed the attached PCB. It allows direct connection of all SPI lines point to point instead of requiring a single point to connect to multiple points on the stepper drivers (eg for SPI CLK, MOSI and MISO). It also allows to keep using a REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER LCD screen sharing the same SPI interface of the microcontroller (arduino). Since PCBs can be ordered for about 5 euros including shipping from china nowadays I prefer this option to creating the wiring manually. Just use the attached ZIP file for your order (eg at JLCPCB or similar services). The required settings for Marlin are // The following define selects which electronics board you have. // Please choose the name from boards.h that matches your setup #ifndef MOTHERBOARD #define MOTHERBOARD BOARD_RAMPS_14_EFB #define X_CS_PIN 64 #define Y_CS_PIN 63 #define Z_CS_PIN 40 #define E0_CS_PIN 42 #define E1_CS_PIN 44 #endif Make sure that setting TMC_USE_SW_SPI in Configuration_adv.h is not active (inactive by default). The purpose of the board is to use the hardware spi interface for the TMC as well. Note, that I am using two Z stepper motors on my Hypercube EVO, so I use E1 as Z1 (silk screen print on the PCB). I also included a resistor divider for an inductive probe (simple conversion from 12V signal to 5V signal). DIPtrace schematics and layout files are attached (DIPtrace is free for up to 300 pins per board). Note, that the mounting hole location is different from the usually provided Reprap discount full graphic smart controller lcd adapters. In fact it is actually matching the mounting holes on the Arduino and RAMPS boards precisely now, so no more forcing a screw through non-aligned mounting holes with those cheap adapters. Of course, you need to be able to mount the connectors to the PCB itself; but since it is only through hole stuff it should be nice and simple soldering practice ;) <b>IMPORTANT:</b> I only added the Eagle schematic file because Thingiverse would not let me publish this thing without a file type it knows attached. I just exported this file type from DIPtrace and never used it, so use it with caution please ;)