MultiHex - Adjustable Pocket Hex Wrench
After watching a youtube video about an adjustable pocket hex wrench called "Ti EDC Wrench" ( I decided to try and make something similar out of plastic. As plastic is not as strong as metal a few design alterations needed to be made. I had made a few versions with this being the 5th iteration. I believe it is useful enough to be uploaded here however it is likely to be iterated on if issues are discovered after using it for a while. The MultiHex is made out of 4 separate parts: A Screw A Slider Top holder Bottom holder N.B. The two holders are NOT the same, so you CANNOT print 2 of the top and expect it to work The screw fits inside the slider and the slider fits inside the two holders The holders have pegs to fit into each other. Once the two holders have been closed around the screw and slider super glue may be applied around the edges to add strength, just don't add too much else you will have created a single size hex wrench ;)