Movement tray for square / rectangular bases Kings of war, warhammer fantasy,  ECW,  ACW, Ancients etc

Movement tray for square / rectangular bases Kings of war, warhammer fantasy, ECW, ACW, Ancients etc


A selection of movement trays I made for my own use in Kings of war, but also have use in many other wargames. The files naming may not be imidiatly obvius so i will explain; its the base size then the ranks. for example: KOW 20mm 5_4 DH.stl Thats 20mm base, 5 ranks across and 4 ranks deep if its has DH it means it has an attached dice holder, these are useful for keeping track of wounds or moral in games, I have included a full set and without dice holders. also seperate dice hold holders. The dice holders are made for the common 12mm (half inch) dice IMPORTANT: I made these very close to the exact size of the base. so the fit is very snug, and if the base is a little over sized troops won't fit. If this is the case in crease the print size to 103-105% for easier fit







Toys & Games