CR-10 mounted to Ormerod 2

CR-10 mounted to Ormerod 2


# Note: <b>This is no actual thing but I wanted to share it here anyway.</b> After a view years of use and experiencing several problems with the original printed extruder (filament stuck, missing steps and the bowden tube came off several times,...) i decided to replace the extruder with a new one. * I choosed the CR-10 extruder in the aluminium version (about 15€). * The extruder is mounted at the top of the Z-axis aluminum extrusion using 2 M4 standoff-screws (see picture for details) * The extruder has no big gear so the Extruder steps per mm have to be adusted accordingly. # How to calculate the extruder steps per mm * The default setting for the CR-10 extruder on creality printers seems to be 95. This is the default setting to start off:<br /><pre>M92 E95 ; Set extruder steps per mm</pre> * Choose a fixed reference point on the extruder for your measurements (I used the exit connector for the bowden tube). <b>Do not connect the bowen tube yet - otherwise you can't see your marks!</b> * Insert filament and set the first mark on the filament at your reference point * Use the setting above, heat the nozzle and extrude 100mm at a medium feed rate and mark again at your reference point. * Repeat the above steps until you have at least 4 sections marked. * Remove the filament and use a ruler or calliper to measure the distance between the marks. They should be close to 100mm - but are probably a view mm off. * Write down your measurements and calculate the average distance * Calculate the steps per mm using this formula:<br /><b>default steps per mm x 100 / measured length = E-steps per mm</b><br />Example: 95 x 100/101,2 = 93,873 * This results in the following g-code: <pre> ;Set extruder steps per mm (CR-10 Extruder, Default: 95) M92 E93.873 </pre> <b>Hint:</b> To get even more precision repeat the steps from above - but now replace the default value (95) in the config.g file and the formula by the calculated value from the first pass.



