American Girl Doll Boat (Moomba Mondo)
So this is a commission project for one of my coworkers: American Girl dolls are about 450 mm tall dolls (18 in) and of course have an large assortment of compatible vehicles but are lacking in the "boat" variety (They have some dinky canoe). So I have designed a massive boat that is meant to be compatible with the American Girl dolls and look like a Moomba Mondo surf boat but with emphasis on play-ability. The boat was designed to occupy a similar footprint and play features of a comparable VW beetle car, which I have attached a picture of. The model is somewhat basic as items like a steering wheel or wind screen are missing but the lack of said items makes the model easier to print. That being said, I may design some other play features that can be easily glued in at a later time. Features: -This boat is a massive 560 mm X 300 mm X 180 mm (21.25 in X 11.8 in X 7.1 in) and prints in 7 pieces. -Can accomedate two (2) American Girl dolls internally in the boat with the possibility with a doll on the back step or front seating area. -The model prints almost entirely hollow with supports on only the front pieces making the model cheap to print and simply to glue together. -Since the model, when assembled, is entirely hollow. I would suggest in filling that volume with a cheap material to prolong the life of the print: either expanding foam, plaster, cement, epoxy, etc. Make sure to test the filler product with your preferred filament to ensure the print won't melt, catch fire, etc. Note: The .STL files are for one side of the boat, mirror the "Front", "Middle" and "Back" pieces to print a complete boat. The M74 Maker Mark: This is my maker mark, please feel free to print and use my parts, but please don't sell the models or parts without contacting me first. Also feel free to remix my models.