Ultimate component tester case for LCR-T4 & LCR-T3
I wanted a case for my component tester (aka transistor tester) that can fit a 18650 li-ion battery, its control module and a step up DC/DC converter to power the tester up. I wanted all the optional features, so i kept every original connections available (also the SMD one), plus i added a slot on the side to have a 3 pin female dupont connector. If your component can fit on a breadbord it will fit also in this connector (which is, by the way, the end of a reclaimed RC servo cable). The TP4056 module can be powered by USB or any other DC 5V source, i used a JST connector on the side because i've modified few old mobile phone wall chargers to have this connector (in order to be interchangeable for different low power device, like this tester, that i use in my lab). That's the [tester](https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3mGKEylLpy) that fits this case (there are numbers of functionall- equivalent but with incompatible-dimension component tester out in the wild internet). If you don't want to wait the long shipment this should be the exact copy of my tester on [Amazon](https://amzn.to/2HCcddt), but i can't guarantee that it will have the right size/dimension since i've purchased the tester from Bangood. More detail [here](https://www.instructables.com/id/Electronic-Component-Tester-with-a-Nice-Case/) (in italian [here](http://ubhf.eu/case-per-il-tester-di-componenti-con-batterie-18650/)). For your convenience these are the other parts i've used in this project: - TP4056 [Amazon](https://amzn.to/2UkTPqT) or [Bangood](https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3G33yEa6G5). - Step Up module [Amazon](https://amzn.to/2CS4Tof) or [Bangood](https://www.banggood.com/custlink/KGvvKn7M5V). You also need a 18650 cell, i guess that since you are interested into a component tester you would have the skill to gather some cells from old laptop batteries, otherwise you can purchase them on [Amazon](https://amzn.to/2H3dA4k) or [Bangood](https://www.banggood.com/custlink/mGDmdhjgGU). Ps: for this project literally every non damaged 18650 would work, since the requested capacity and amp rate are embarrassingly low. What else? Ah, you'll need 4 M3x25mm screws, the nuts are optional (the plastic can be threaded with the screw). Happy component tester everyone!