Waterproof canister/container/matchbox v2
Inspired by this: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2587716 I wanted to make my own canister. Mine differs by not only having ribs around the outside to aid grip, but the cavity inside is bottle shaped (so slightly wider than the mouth). It's otherwise entirely my own design. The one in the photographs printed perfectly but it was a bit short to put matches in, so the STL files I've uploaded are a bit longer. I print in PETG but no reason it shouldn't work in other materials. Doesn't need supports. I use 0.1mm layers. The parts didn't need ANY finishing - just screwed straight together (surprised me!). I designed a 0.5mm clearance between the male and female threads. I would upload this as a customiser but the linked threads library is in a specific place on my computer The STL files are subtly improved from the test piece I made. There is now an internal chamfer at the bottom and the chamfers at each end are slightly increased. Added an o-ring STL if you wanted to print one in flexible filament Now there's a 90mm version which should be long enough to take some rolled up £20 notes. I've uploaded a different lid which will be standard (before the size differed depending on the overall length) I've printed these in TPU which works surprisingly well - they feel very tough The 30x100 version will accept a cylinder that is 30x100mm (on request).