DC Motor Controller BOX

DC Motor Controller BOX


Hello there! This is my third design that I post here. This is a simple but practical DC Motor Controller Box that works without any postprocessing operations. This controller box is compatible with this model of controller that I've bought for Aliexpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/12V-24V-30V-120W-PWM-Adjustable-Volt-DC-Motor-Speed-Controller-CCM2/32798759346.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.1d6e4c4dA4zuUK I must say that for those money, it is a really good one. The potentiometer for the speed and the swich for the sense of rotation fit perfectly on this case, I haven't any problems with mine as you can see in the picture. As you can see, I've made the hole for the IN and OUT wires and they can be fixed on the case with ZipTies to avoid cable movements in the connectors. I've also uploaded the step files so you can modify it for other type of DC Motor Controller and the SLDRP file is uploaded because it's much easier to write in SolidWork than in CATIA. Also. you'll need 9 M3x10 Screws. 4 screws for the controller and 5 for the Lower Part and Upper part to stay fixed. Happy printing!






