Roomba 800 series roller bushing ball bearing upgrade

Roomba 800 series roller bushing ball bearing upgrade


This is an upgrade to the Roomba 800 series roller bar bushings on the stock units. My dog's have very fine hair that was getting in between the bronze bushing and steel shaft, overheating, then melting the bushing holder plastic and causing a mess and general. This design replaces the bronze bushing with a proper shielded ball bearing, size F623ZZ. These shielded bearings should keep more contaminents out and outlast the stock bushings the Roomba ships with. Print this orientated so the two tabs face down against the bed and turn on supports. This is to ensure the two small locking tabs print correctly. There are some small features on this part, I would recommend printing at or below .16mm layer height. The F623ZZ should friction fit just fine, however I recommend securing it inside the part with a drop of superglue.



