Nostalgia Pen
<h3>Nostalgia Pen</h3> <p><font size="+1" color="green">The Nostalgia Pen is the result of trying to mimic the design of the pen that I used as a San Francisco public school student in the 1960s, when learning handwriting (cursive). The universally used pens, which signified a rite of passage, were dark green and a little longer.</font> <br>This pen requires a very inexpensive (10 for $1.39 at Target) BIC Stic pen refill <br>The pen can be printed as 1 or 2 piece(s), with or without ridges in the grip. I found that 2 pieces allowed for more successful refill removals, because pushing is safer than pulling, The tip tends to separate from the ink tube. <br> <u>Warning</u> <br><font color="red">Don't even think about printing without a raft!</font> <br> <u>Update 2019-01-13</u> <br>I added a cap to make the pen more pocket / backpack / purse- friendly