MF05 Squonk mod Yihi SX475J board
Single 18650 battery squonk mod, Yihi SX475J board. 49 x 24 x 72 mm. No screws needed. Best printed with nylon or alumide. What do you need: -Yihi SX475J board -510 squonk connector 22mm, m10 thread, 1mm thick. This one -copper sheet or plates 0.5mm thick What do you have to do: -cut, drill and bump one copper plate for negative contact. -cut and bump another one for the positive. -cut a copper strip 9 x 70 mm and tape it to make it thick and non conductive. This will be the lock of the board. -put the board inside the enclosure and do some measurements. The wires of the board are too long and you need to cut them to the right length (follow the images of the internals). -solder the negative copper plate to the black wire on the board -solder the positive copper plate to the red wire on the board -solder the white wire on the board to the little drop shaped piece of copper of the 510 connector. -place the button inside the enclosure. -place inside the enclosure the board with all the soldered plates. -screw the 510 connector to the enclosure and to the negative plate. -screw the little drop shaped piece of copper to the positive pin of the 510 connector. -put the lock strip inside the slot at the bottom of the enclosure to lock the board. Check if it's secured in place (that strip should touch the bottom of the washer of the 510 connector so be sure that it's properly insulated). Done it, you're good to go! If you have any questions leave me a message. Cheers