Wanhao D9  Duplicator 9  Monoprice Maker Pro MK1 Upgraded stepper motor bracket Y axis 4040 clip - V9 UPDATED

Wanhao D9 Duplicator 9 Monoprice Maker Pro MK1 Upgraded stepper motor bracket Y axis 4040 clip - V9 UPDATED


V9 - The V8 STL was a bit odd and didn't work. I've now added notches in the part that sits on the top extrusion - AND made the inset 2mm shallower. There should now be no problems with T-Nuts locking into place using this bracket. PRINT THIS AT 10% SCALE Note, it's still a royal pain to get the Horizontal T-Nuts in, but mine's been running Fine for a long time now without them.... V8 - Altered the top 'extrusion' slot part to make it much shallower. this allows T-Nuts with a taller T part to better grip the bracket i.e. the bracket bit now doesn't sit as deep into the extrusion as it previously did V7 - Final version. Fits perfectly for me. Feedback appreciated please if there's any issues. https://bleughbleugh.wordpress.com/2019/03/04/wanhao-d9-poor-y-axis-design-and-free-printable-fix/ Simply put.........this is an ESSENTIAL UPGRADE if you don't use this bracket, your bed will be pulled down when it moves from front to back. this will affect your prints and ability to level the bed. You'll also experience slight ringing as the standard plastic bracket flexes during sharper bed movements Improved stepper motor mount for the Duplicator 9 Significantly stiffer than the on-printer plastic version (that came with most printers, earlier ones had a metal one) This also fixes a potential issue with the factory bracket being about 6mm too low, making the belt slope down from front to rear. This ‘slope’ will lead to variable tension in the belt as the bed is a fixed height, there will be less tension at the front where the bed belt holder is level with the front idler. There will be more tension at the back where the stepper driver is 6mm lower than the bed holder , making the belt have to ‘stretch’ further. I don’t know how this affects prints but it isn’t right. This bracket corrects the slope, now the bottom of the belt off the stepper driver is level with the bottom of the belt on the front idler. Just to stress, Earliest versions on the printer were metal and quite sturdy Later versions seem to be some form of plastic, which is a little flexible Summary - The D9 Y axis belt isn't level, the top belt is NOT parallel with the bottom. It's close to parallel with the bed at the front of the printer. it's quite angled at the back of the printer. See pictures that I've added to make this clearer. as the bed is driven to the back, the tension on the belt pulls it down, stretches the belt and flexes the bracket. as it moves to the front, the tension becomes less



