Ramune [Japanese soda] plunger
This is a replacement plunger I made for my Ramune soda, just because I think the plungers they come with are not great and while they work, they are not strong and sometimes slip and break. This should be a quick, easy print to replace them. I really like this soda, its kinda fun and while I almost never drink sodas, I like these as an occasional treat. I designed this in Autodesk Fusion360 using a set of calipers to take the measurements from the standard Ramune plunger. I made the wall a bit thicker and added a nice chamfer on the bottom to both make it easier to remove from the build plate and also to make it more comfortable in the hand. I'd just print and use and then place in your PLA recycling bin and then melted down and being reused as a sheet of plastic which could be used for other tasks. Outbound links: Ramune wikipedia-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramune Where you can order ramune-- https://www.asianfoodgrocer.com/asian-food/beverages/ramune-soda Due credit to Kimura drink company for bottling the Ramune that I used to take the measurements from. Special thanks to Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy IN2 (cc) Creative Commons license Monomethylhydrazine