Raspberry + Arduino GRBL Enclosure
Wanted to make an air-cooled enclosure for the Raspberry Pi and the CNC controller. The Arduino, fan, and Raspberry Pi files are not mine, I got them off of GrabCad. I made the Y1 &Y2 labels because I have two steppers mirrored for my Y axis, I will upload the STEP files so you can edit it for yourself. The fan cutout on the top piece is reliant upon the fan. Therefore if you want the cutout to be different you can import a fan of your liking and then the geometry will adjust. If you would like a video on this let me know. Probably going to work on a way to fasten the two pieces together, for now, they sit on top of each other. Also, am working on a way to access the gpio pins more easily. I don't use them now but I'm sure I will myself or someone else will want to in the future. https://youtu.be/a2hDAqk2lK4 Enjoy!