Make Your Own Platonic Icosahedron, Snap
#### Make Your Own Icosahedron Vertex connectors and edges that can be snapped together to make a Platonic icosahedron. For an icosahedron, one need 12(V) vertex connectors and 30 (E) edges. Once assembled, the structure has 20 (F) equilateral triangle faces : V + F – E = 2. ####Among the Files Vertex connector at two level of tolerance (regular and loose) Edge bars of various lengths. ####Note Please print one connector and one edge first to try out the tolerance. A resolution of 0.2mm works well for me. You can play with the resolution to adjust the tightness between the vertex connector and the edge. The loose version might be too loose, in which case some school glue could be used to keep the pieces together. All Platonic icosahedra are similar to each other. So if you want a large one, you could just use longer edges. Also, please **do not mix icosahedral edges with those for the dodecahedron**, because they have different dihedral angles. Have fun!