Filament Holder Delta 2020

Filament Holder Delta 2020


Hello Delta Fans!! At first big thanks for Mr. Rafal ***** ***** For his super sexy hot model of filament holder which i use on my Delta Printer. Only what i missing is rod which could be a part of this super design. Then i make one. And also finished the filament spool spacer cylinder. Diameter of this cylinder is 51mm and 80mm width. I also test it on my 320g spools and also for other spool i have the diameter is 51,5-52,5mm each spool different. Hope you enyoy it. I prepare also different versions. Thanks for your time. ***** 18.1.2019 I made some changes in design. But sthill have things to do better. I came with version 2 also tested and work great but not happy with print of the cilinder. I prepare version 3 where i eliminate that issue with cilinder. Also add some photos where you can see how it is look like when using diferent spool dia. 44mm 320g 64mm 1kg 80mm 1kg *****



