Latin Square Puzzle
**LATIN SQUARE PUZZLE** **Latin square (3x3)** : Square of order *n* in which the cells contain *n* letters, numbers or symbols, called elements, which are arranged in such a way that they appear one and only once on each line and in each column (see example in the picture 2). There are 12 Latin squares of order 3. **Diagonal Latin square (4x4)** : Latin square of order *n* in which the *n* symbols of each ***main diagonal*** appear once and only once (the picture 2 does not show the solution but just a latin square of 4 elements). There are six diagonal Latin squares of order 4 and there is no diagonal Latin square of order 3. **Pandiagonal Latin square (5x5)** : Diagonal latin square of order *n* which has an additional property. Each ***broken diagonal*** contains different elements. There is no pandiagonal Latin square of order less than 5 (the picture 2 does not show the solution). *Note 1 : on the picture 2 you can see an example of basic latin square with 3 and 4 elements, but no diagonal and pandiagonal latin square... you have to solve them by yourself :)* *Note 2 : I put different fonts and a blank block to allow you to customize the puzzle with your symbols.* **To play with numbers, take a look at my [NumBlocks](**