Slim Junction Boxes
The following instruction is only useful for electrically talented people. No liability is assumed for damages resulting from this! At my laser cutter I wanted to separate the control lines to the x- and y-control motors and the laser from the wiring harness. However, I didn't want to have heat shrink tubing in the cable drag chains and unsightly junction boxes. The result are slim (for 20 mm aluminium profile) junction boxes with 4-, 8- and 16-pole connections. The screwable (M3x5mm) connections consist of <a href="">solder tags</a> and can be doubled per contact. The threads are cut directly into the PLA using an <a href="">M3 tap</a>. If required, the mounting surface can be protected against short circuits with a strip of insulating tape. In general, the slim junction boxes should only be used for lower voltages and currents! vy 73 es 55 de DH1ND