Airbus A320 dual lever throttle with reverse blocker for Saitek throttle quadrant

Airbus A320 dual lever throttle with reverse blocker for Saitek throttle quadrant


I've made a major remix of the Airbus A320 throttle from FlyAway Solutions. The reverse thrust lever was redesigned to drive the reverse blocker mechanism that physically limits the throttle's retard movement. When the reverse thrust lever is lifted upwards, the blocking is removed and the throttle can be retarded to the lowest position of the Saitek's throttle quadrant, enabling the reverse thrust trigger in the simulator (the thrust reverse trigger must be set to the event when the throttle's lever is retarded all the way back). Each throttle drives 2 levers simultaneously (that's why I call it a "fat throttle") of the Saitek's throttle quadrant. So this throttle is designed for the simulators that have 2 throttle quadrants (6 levers in total) installed side by side. I am also including the model of the covers with their holes covered by a 0.2mm thick polygon. This is done to avoid problems when printing the parts. On my printer the small holes on the initial layer are not printed well and often printing the parts ended up in a messy blob of plastic that was dragged around. After printing the parts you just need to punch the thin layer to open the holes. The hole for the Saitek throttle quadrant's lever was made a bit larger on purpose. If the throttle doesn't sit tight on the lever, put a piece of electric insulation tape around the very top and around the middle part of the quadrant's lever to compensate for the gap. This allows a semi-flexible, but tight connection between the throttle and the lever. The throttle has a detachable handle that can be installed by pushing the square part of the handle into the throttle's body. No glue needed, but make sure you clean up the supports inside the throttle to ensure the good fit. I included the flat cover for the handle to be installed together with the covers with autothrust disconnect buttons. The engine number plaques and the A320/A330 covers with autothrust disconnect buttons for the throttle handles can be found here: NOTE: Please keep in mind that for the Agronn's X-Top flight simulator panel you will need to implement the solution to tilt the throttle quadrants in order to be able to use the full extent of the lever's movement. With the default setup the reverse thrust lever of the throttle may not allow the throttle to be fully advanced. I am working on the proper solution for this problem. If you want to make a small donation in appreciation of my humble efforts, please use the "Tip designer" button on this page:





