Quilt pattern templates
Many people enjoy the hobby of quilting to create bedspreads, blankets, table runners, wall hangings or other artwork. A quilt is typically a geometric combination of colorful fabrics. It is stiffened by placing it on batting material which in turn is placed on a back fabric to create a sandwich which needs to be sewn together. This can be done by sewing across the quilt in various directions with the idea of hiding or minimizing this required stitching. Other quilters like to highlight this stitching by using various stich patterns to add another visual level to the quilt. Many experienced quilters do this by performing "free motion quilting" where these patterns are created by eye on quilting sewing machines. Less experienced quilters may prefer to sketch a pattern on the fabric with a washable pen so that they have something to trace with the sewing machine. The templates I provide here include several fun shapes to practice with. They are all on a 3 inch square and are 1mm thick making them easy to trace onto a quilt. I may add more in the future so check back often or let me know what you would like to see.