3Dator Bowden Extruder MK8 gear, with screwed bowden fastening.

3Dator Bowden Extruder MK8 gear, with screwed bowden fastening.


I had trouble buying a DIN557 square nut, and the 3dprinted ones did not last too long, so I decided to use Paweł's (https://www.thingiverse.com/kpawel/about) idea to make a screwed PTFE tube fastening. I printed this extruder a few days ago, worked 30 - 40 hours of printing (with a lot of retraction). No signs of slipping or moving the PTFE tube - so it works;) Print settings and a list of the parts you need are described in the original design: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1318849 , and here https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2027378 (MK8 gear). In addition, there will be needed 4xM3 bolts 12mm and 4XM3 nuts, for bowden mount. This is the right hand wersion.



