Filament Fishing Rod Guide Clip - Prusa i3 MK3
This is a simple filament 'fishing rod' guide that has these benefits, similar to the way a fishing rod works. It uses the inherent tension in the plastic to absorb the unreeling of the roll, similar to the way a fishing rod bends when a fish jerks on the line. This was NOT the intent of this thing originally, but after building it I realized I found something a whole lot better than I thought!! It was supposed to just be a long filament clip/guide, but by not making it stiff and by incorporating Bowden tubes between the polybox reel and the guide, the guide then absorbes the jerks and flexes rather than your filament, just like a real fishing rod does. I wish I could figure out how to show a video - this thing moves constantly as you print - proving the fact that there is a lot of tension in the line that should be absorbed and not transferred to the filament. [If you want a heavy seas dual rod version see this - ] - It absorbs flex on the line and acts as a tension aborber, so the line doesn't get overly stretched as it unreels, and the filament is not stretched as it feeds into the extruder, leading to better prints and less failures. - It fits perfectly onto the crossbar with two zip ties and can still be slid across to reposition - The hole position is 132 mm above the top of the top bar, which is way above the fish/extruder. This creates a long straight path to the extruder so the filament path into the extruder is straight and direct - The hole is 6.5mm in width and holds a ~6ish mm Bowden tube nicely, such as the one I am using from PolyBox Edition II - It can also be used to store the second line of filament if you have the other going directly to the extruder (see last pic). Use my Bowden coupler (also pictured in that pic) on also on Thingiverse. I designed this guide clip after I got a PolyBox. I wanted a supported path to the extruder from the box. Originally though I needed this with the PolyBox, but it turns out the stiffness of the Bowden tubes from the PolyBox are self supporting if you place the box to the left, right, or rear and let the tubes out of the top of the box so I didn't need any sort of guide. In reality, with a dry box, you have three options to connect: - Have the Bowden tube go to a support, and then have the extruder pull the filmanet between the support and the extruder (this solution used with this guide clip). This has the increasing obvious and huge almost necessary advantage of adding tension with the clip, but the material isn't enclosed from humity between the clip and extruder. I think the tension benefit is key however and use this option now. - Have the tube go through the Bowden tube all the way to the extruder with no support (I show this in one pic, and it is using my Bowden coupler to help, because I found out the stiffness of the Bowden tubers don't require any support. This is the simplest solution if your tubes are short and their stiffness supports it. - Have the tube be guided by a support, but then continue all the way to the extruder. This clip can do that but you need to file the hole out a half mm or so to get the tube to go all the through it. This is required of the drybox is some distance from the printer and the tubes cant easily be self supported - A good solution would be to place Bowden tubes on either side of the tension holder and use my clip at the extruder end too. In summary, this is attached via two zip ties to the top bracket on the Prusa. It holds the filament up at the same height and position as a normal spool so it has plenty of movement distance to the extruder. Ideally, you also have a dry box feeding the filament. via a Bowden tube of 6.5mm width. The one that comes with the polybox Edition II is perfect. I intend to use this to hold the tube from my polybox drybox and feed the Bowden tube though that hole at the top. It doesn't go al the way through though. Use supports but they are only for the line hole. The word Prusa is nicely show on the vertical support as well.