Cricut Tool Holder with cups
You can also find me on twitter: @bitsplusatoms UPDATE 2010-01-01: Several people have asked for smaller versions of this which will fit on slightly smaller print beds. I have uploaded two addition "mid size" versions. One has no cup on the end, the other has one less tool slot. The former will fit on a 200x200mm print surface. The latter should also fit if placed diagonally. STEP files have been provided. All other versions remain. UPDATE 2019-08-08: I've added yet another variant that has pegs on the left side rather than the small cup. This version also requires no supports. The pegs are staggered in height and turned 45° so that you can store a number of heads and see the identifying number printed on them. See photos for details. I did not remove the other variants. UPDATE 2019-07-28: I've added a new version that can print cleanly without supports which gets rid of the cleanup. The look is a little 'chunkier' so some may prefer the original. I also included a STEP file for the updated version. I made this for my sister after first printing the original. She wanted a place to hold her pens which is the larger cup I added on the right, and a place to hold smaller parts which is the smaller cup on the left. I included a Fusion 360 file, but it is pretty messy as I went through a couple of iterations and kept accreting changes. I printed this upright with supports under the arms that hold the smaller tools.