Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus MK2 rear attached Cooler (with Proximity Switch)

Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus MK2 rear attached Cooler (with Proximity Switch)


I have been searching high and low for Fan Duct that does not obstruct the front view. Could not find one, hence I designed one. It is for the Wanhao Duplicator i3 V2.1. The model has the proximity sensor and therefore the bracket for the fan is offset to the one side. I have included the following photos: - Photo of the box where the printer came in. (so you can be sure you have the correct model) -Pics of the fan duct on the green mat. (Please note this is my test piece and not the one that is installed). Hence the print quality not up to scratch. -Pic of the fan installed (Note the Proximity sensor and the vertical plate). Note the unobstructed view from the front (the objective of the exercise)



