BackLit - Turn signal device
<h1>BackLit</u></h1> <h2> <u><strong>Turn signal/road communication device</u></strong></h2> <p>The project was developed over the span of 3 months as part of the <a href="" title="With a Title"> Hemda’s Makers</a> course. </p> <p>The inspiration for the project came from the question: <i>If every vehicle has a way to communicate with all the other vehicles, then how come bikers don’t have a way to do the same?</i></p><p>When the question wasn’t answered by a google search, we decided to answer it ourselves. And this is where <strong>Back<i>Lit</i></strong> comes in.<p> <strong>Back<i>Lit</i></strong> is a real-time voice-controlled detachable turn signal/road communication device, meant primarily for cyclists and their safety while riding.</p> <h4><u>To build one you will need:</u></h4> <ul> <li><a href="" title="With a Title"> Arduino NANO development board</a></li> <li><a href="" title="With a Title"> HC-05 bluetooth receiver/transmitter</a></li> <li><a href="" title="With a Title"> Silicon wires</a></li> <li><a href="" title="With a Title"> WS2812B Neopixel 5v LED's 60 LED\m - 1 meter strip </a></li> <li><a href="" title="With a Title"> TP4056 micro USB charger </a></li> <li><a href="" title="With a Title"> Step up Regulator</a></li> <li><a href="" title="With a Title"> 18650 Li-Ion battery</a> You can recycle from old Laptop pack</li> <li>M3*12mm Allen screws - 8 units</li> <li><a href="" title="With a Title"> On\Off 12mm circle switch </a> </li> <li>Android smartphone and download <a href="" title="With a Title"> AMR-voice</a> app to send voice commands</li></ul> <h4><u>Instructions</ul></h4><ul> <li>Print the above files</li> <li>Install the electronic hardware inside following the Electronics image </li> <li>Check the Fritzing wiring scheme</li> <li>Install the app to send voice commands</li></ul> <h4><u>Code</u></h4> <p>Download Arduino code from <a href="!rBlDWCRb" title="With a Title"> Here</a> <ul><li>Please note that you will have to upload libraries <b>Adafruit_NeoPixel.h</b></li></ul> <h4><u>How to use?</u></h4> <li>Switch on <b>Back<i>Lit</i></b> <ul><il>Launch the AMR voice app in your phone</li> <li>You can choose LED colors - When you launch the App first say Red\Blue\Green\Rainbow then its ready for your direction prompts Left\Right</li> </ul> <h4><u>You can</u></ul></h4> <ul><li>Edit the code and add more colors\function\add other languages for right\left\colors</li></ul> <h1>Ride safe and please share ☺</h1>