ev200d diopter frame

ev200d diopter frame


my attempt for customized frames for bigger diy lens. for those whom have sight issues, to use some spare lens from glasses. print between 0.1 - 0.24 -use painter's tape to protect lens.-grind lens with 80 - 120paper and when you get closer increase to 240 - 300 as needed. -first versions without teeth are meant to use hotglue or some noninvasive adesive to the lens since most lens are made from resin or acrilic (try first on a small piece of lens to see lens to glue reaction.) please leave some feedback. if modding is needed ask. Lens measurements inside :23mm/16.7mm / 3mm (for 9) best is to use the holder as a template, cover the lens with electrical tape draw the shape and then start filing the lens until the drawn line wich has to be still visible after. Update : - added slimmed version for smaller diopters - 15.03.19 - added further 2 improved slim versions with teeth to hold the lens in place - designed some cable supports for the headstrap of these googles see here https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4186376 .







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