TronXY X5SA, X5S, X5 dual 40mm fan part cooler hot end fang for stock Hot-End including ABL

TronXY X5SA, X5S, X5 dual 40mm fan part cooler hot end fang for stock Hot-End including ABL


************************************************************** Update to V2, the holder for ABL Sensor is now more stable and easier to mount. ************************************************************** I fit and remixed the part cooler of my CR-10 (from Zep To) to my new tronxy X5SA. I think it is one of the best part coolers. It should also fit to the X5S (let me know if or if not) You will need 2 (if you take the stock hotend cooler) or 3 40mm fans and srews for mounting. For mounting the ABL sensor you will need 2x M3x20 screws. All other srews and nuts are used from the original setup. After mounting, befor starting printing you have to print the ChiTuParam.gcode, this will change the points for homing and ABL. This Code worked on my printer with the software version V1.4.1RC14m4, but this is a bit tricky. For details you can download ChiTuClient Software from ( I will not give a guarantee that this will work! There is one con: You will loose about 1 cm printing space in X direction! But I have never needed the 33x33 cm, 32x33 cm are enough for me This also should be changed in you slicer.



